Available Animals
Our available animals are always changing and we often have several in quarantine that are not ready for adoption. If there is a species you are interested in, please contact us. Many of our animals have come from abusive or neglectful situations. Others came from homes that loved them but could no longer care for them and thus have entrusted them into our care. Because we have worked hard with our foster homes to get these animals as healthy as possible, we have developed certain requirements for our adoptive homes. These requirements have been developed with the animal's health and security in mind and are species-specific. Please understand that the husbandry standards of the past may not meet todays standards. Please also understand that our requirements may differ greatly from your typical pet shop. We believe in optimal care, not just basic care. We also love to teach about proper care and husbandry, so even if you have never had a reptile, we can help you find the perfect pet! You just need to be willing to learn and willing to invest in optimal care for your scaly little friend. If you are interested in adopting, fostering, or have any other questions please contact us at GenesisReptileRescue@gmail.com
Unless otherwise specified minimum enclosure sizes are as follows:
Leopard Gecko 20gal long (40 breeder a.k.a. 36"x18"x16" front opening preferred)
Adult Bearded Dragons 4'x2'x2', (6'X2'x2' preferred)
Adult Ball Python 4'x2'x2'
Turtle/Tortoise 3'x6' tortoise table or comparable enclosure
Contact us via email for full habitat requirements for the specific animal/species you are interested in.

Name: Mad Boi
Species: Bearded Dragon
*Special Handling
Age: 3-6 years
Morph: Normal
Gender: Male
Mad Boi is beautiful! *Mad Boi also has a bit of an attitude. He is getting better with handling, but would prefer to be a "look, but don't touch" dragon. Active and a great eater!
Name: Toblerone
Species: Ball Python
* Special Care Required
Age: 4 - 5
Morph: Normal
Gender: Male
Toby is a young ball python. He is very curious about his surrounding and seems to enjoy being held. He likes to explore when he is given the opportunity to be out of his enclosure. Toblerone is a bit of a picky eater, so his forever home will need to be patient with that.
*Quality T5 UV-B required (Such as Arcadia 6% forest)

Name: Sugar, Banana Beak
Species: Three-toed Box Turtle
Age: Unknown (possibly 30-80)
Morph: Normal/unknown
Gender: Female
These special little guys came to us when their previous owner could no longer care for them. He had kept them for at least 20 years, but due to his personal health decline at 90 years old, they were surrended to us. After some vet checks and quaretine to make sure they are healthy, they are now available for adoption. Because they have been together for so long, we will be adopting them out as a pair. *Since these two will be adopted out together an enclosure with at least 32 sq.ft. (4'x8') of floor space is highly recommended.

Name: Princess Sparkles
Species: Leopard Gecko
Age: Unknown
Morph: Normal/unknown
Gender: Female
This little Girl is a real princess. She tolerates handling to a certain degree but doesn't love it. She is still a beautiful little princess and would look amazing in a nice naturalistic or arid bioactive enclosure.
Name: Twix
Species: Ball Python
*Special Handling
Age: Unknown
Morph: Normal/unknown
Gender: Male
This handsome little dude has kind of gotten a bad rap. *He was surrendered by his former owners because they though he was aggressive and just weren't comfortable with him. He is shy and a little skittish but handles well once you get him out of his enclosure. He may have some cage aggression but we believe it may be more of a feeding response because he eats like an absolute champ. He is a very handsome little dude though, his blacks fade to dark chocolates in places (including the top of his head) his "alien heads" are outlined in light row of scales that really makes his pattern pop and his eyes are nearly jet black. *With a little patience Twix could make a great addition to your home.

Name: Mortimer
Species: Russian Tortoise
Age: Unknown
Morph: Normal
Gender: Male
Who wouldn't love a little tortoise named Mortimer. Despite being very skittish this little guy is oozing personality. He is quite skittish and quick to retreat into his shell but with patience and gentle handling he will come out of his shell. Both figuratively and literally. His hobbies include digging (a deep substrate layer will be a must), sleeping and eating. Due to his skittish nature it would be best for Mortimer to go to a quiet home.

Name: Oreo
Species: Leopard Gecko
Age: Unknown, Adult
Morph: Normal
Gender: Male
Oreo is quite the little charmer and who wouldn't love to have a little gecko buddy. Oreo has a regrown tail which doesn't affect him, in fact it just adds to his charm. He tolerates handling and always seems to be looking up at you with a little smirk on his face. Toss him a few feeder insects and you will literally have him eating out of your hands in no time.

Name: Lil Beastie
Species: Crested Gecko
Age: Unknown, Young Adult
Morph: Normal
Gender: Male
Don't let the name fool you, this little beastie is a beauty. Pictures don't really do him justice. He is nearly pattern less with little highlights along his crests. When fired up he is a fawn color but when fired down he is nearly lavender in color. He tolerates gentle handling. He is what is commonly referred to as a "frog butt" meaning he has lost his tale and, unlike many other lizard species, crested geckos do not regrow their tails.