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Help support the mission of Genesis Reptile Rescue by doing your research before purchasing your animal, educate yourself on how to provide the best possible husbandry, and encouraging others within your circle of influence to do the same. If the situation arises in which you can no longer keep or care for your animal yourself and you chose to rehome it yourself do your part to ensure that it goes to a knowledgeable, capable and caring home.

Since Genesis Reptile Rescue is a board-led network of individuals and not a shelter with a physical facility we rely on foster families to care for the animals that are entrusted to us. If you are interested in becoming a foster family (or individual) reach out to us at Please understand that there is a screening and approval process and that if you are approved there is no guarantee of if or when an animal will be placed under your care.

Providing quality care for reptiles and amphibians is not cheap! We do accept donations of reptile-keeping supplies and equipment that are new or used but still in good working condition. Some commonly needed items would include front opening enclosures, ceramic deep dome fixtures, T5HO fixtures, T5 UVB bulbs (Zoo Med ReptaSun or Arcadia are preferred), dimmable standard base halogen bulbs, programmable thermostats, digital thermometer/hygrometer (the kind with a probe), and High-quality calcium and/or vitamin powders. You can also make monetary donations. Genesis Reptile Rescue is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization, which makes your contributions tax-deductible. Feel free to contact us at any time to inquire about our current needs. If you are interested in making a donation please contact us at